Sunday, January 15, 2012

Still Alive!

No, this cake didn't take a month to make....just a month to post. The design is very simple, I am still not the most creative person, just a good copier of the geniuses out there. Thank you Pinterest! It was a double layer chocolate cake with marshmallow fondant over the top. I used a Christmas tree cookie cutters to do the trees, and then outlined and detailed with royal icing. It was for a church activity. They didn't know that I had included a little surprise with this order. Whoever finds the little piece of paper is the winner! (Embarrassing)

Our family Christmas was legend "wait for it" ary. During which I discovered the glories of How I Met Your Mother. Which, if you have watched, you will understand my "wait for it" joke. think I am a nut. It was legendary for our family because my littlest sister got engaged. SO FUN! Lots of planning and girl talk and remembering this exciting time in my own life. Congrats Sis!

Then I returned filled with goals and resolutions for the new year. I started a cleaning/ organizing/purging kick here at my house that has taken up every free second of my time and my hubbies. Every day I am adding to his "to do" list. He comes home at the end of the day, helps get kids to bed, and then marks stuff off of it, only to find more in its place the next day. Bless him! And...after three weeks of pushing our selves, our house is looking WAY better. Now, closets aren't falling in on us, the garage has work space, there is room for new Christmas toys, etc. Back to regular life again...which means....baking again. Good for my mental stability not good for my healthy resolutions. Oh well, one thing at a time, right?!

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